Dr. Dylan G. Boucher

Dylan joined Baylor in August 2024, where his group explores electrochemical methods for understanding interesting (electro)chemical transformations.

Dylan received his B.S. from Allegheny College and his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin where he was advised by Prof. Mike Rose. His thesis focused on the molecular modification of semiconductor surfaces for photo-electrochemical applications. Dylan then moved to the mountains of Utah where he conducted postdoctoral research under Shelley Minteer at the University of Utah. While at Utah, Dylan’s research revolved broadly around organic electrosynthesis, molecular electocatalysis, and bioelectrocatalysis.

Dylan moved to Baylor in 2024 for his independent career. At Baylor his group explores electroanalytical methods for discovering and understanding new electrochemically driven transformations. Specifically his group is interested in electro-synthetic methods that incorporate photocatalysis, electrode interfacial design, and/or biocatalysis.

In his spare time Dylan enjoys the outdoors: he is an avid skier, mountain biker, and camper.